Manuscript Bible Study

OT Manuscripts


Same as with the New Testament… we’ve got a long way to go here! Let us know which ones you’d like to see up. Thanks.Jonah picture

Jonah Four-page manuscript for the book of Jonah (pdf).

Jonah Four-page manuscript for the book of Jonah (MS Word).

Jonah can be easily divided into four studies, one per chapter and offers a fun and challenging study of the book about this reluctant prophet. What is your Nineveh–that is the place(s) you to run from the Lord’s presence and work in your life? And where is your Tarshish–that is the place(s) you run to as a cheap substitute for his grace? Suffice to say, a very challenging study!

Eccels. Cover

Ecclesiastes Manuscript 16-page manuscript with cover and how to study sheet.

The following Observation Question Guide and Application Journal provide useful background/questions/insights. These may be printed as additional resources to the Eccleisastes’ manuscript.

Observation Guide:  Eccleiastes’ Obser. Questions

Application Journal:  Eccleiastes’ Application Journal

The following is a completed Eccleiastes’ manuscript. We hesitate to make it available–it is NOT a substitute for personal study. Consider it a “manuscript commentary.”

Teresa’s Eccleisates Manuscipt

What also  follows is a 12-week study outline that you can adapt for your situation.

Study Schedule for Ecclesiastes  |  Study Schedule for Ecclesiastes, ms word

As an added resource order the Ecclesiastes Bible study guide by Bill & Teresa Syrios: Click Here.

Ecclesiastes’ Teacher identifies himself as “son of David, king of Jerusalem” (1:1). Such an identification naturally links him with the wisest of all Israel’s sages, King Solomon. The Teacher’s message seems particularly aimed at secularist–those who seek to find life’s meaning outside of a practical faith in God. With despairing perception, the author explores a grim reality he calls “life under the sun”–life outside of God’s control and goodness. He addresses some of life’s most sensitive questions: Does life have meaning? Who is in control? What does it take to find satisfaction or even be content?  How do we live wisely?

Much of the time God is left out of the discussion–and with good reason. Because when he does get introduced, everything changes. “Life under the sun” becomes “life from the hand of God.” Chasing after meaning transforms into the pursuit of God. Exploration of life’s meaninglessness outside of knowing God thus becomes an invitation to know him. In its own unique way, Ecclesiastes ultimately introduces the One who “came that we might have life abundantly,” Jesus himself.